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To write feasible reports and preparing contracts; agreements and corporation charters for solely foreign funded companies and joint ventures. To provide latest information about office and warehouse lease and agency service in the bonded area for the investors. To register with the authorities of foreign economy and trade committee; Industry and  Commerce Bureau; Taxation Bureau; banks; Bureau of Foreign Exchange Administration; Bureau of Finance; Bureau of Statistics and customs.



Investment Strategies and Planning of Enterprises, Consultation Investment Policies and Regulations



Consultation on Taxation, Finance, Foreign Currency, Financial Planning of Enterprises



Accounting agency:

会计记账(制作凭证、登账、编制报表、编制年度财务分析报告),拟定公司财务会计制度及流程。 税务申报、税务筹划。

To make Book-keeping (accounting certificates preparation; book reporting; making statements and annual financial statements analysis reports), draw up financial and accounting rules and flows Taxation reporting Taxation arrangements.


5.税务财政政策咨询、财务代理 。 

Tax consulting and accounting services



Filing tax returns for the permanent representative offices of foreign enterprises.


7.解答日常税务、财务政策问题常年会计顾问 。      

Answering questions concerning regular tax and financial policies and providing accounting consulting services.


8. 企业所得税的年度汇算清缴、个人所得税筹划及申报。    

Annual Corporate Income Tax settlement.



Evaluation analysis about tax cost and tax agent for other tax items.


10.增值税一般纳税人的认定申请/辅导及整改 。 

VAT General Payer application/direction and improvement.


11. 办理再投资退税--采购国产设备退税--出口退税。

Tax refund for Reinvestment/Tax refund for purchase of home equipment/ Export tax refund application


12.各项财产损失企业坏账、歇业、清算的审核咨询  。    

Consulting about bad debts, liquidation, discontinuation of business.



Tax planning about enterprise restructuring/merging/division/acquisition 



Some of the customers we have served
