发布时间:2014年07月09日 14:07:43 / 已被浏览 次
The materials needed for establishing branch office in Shanghai is as below:
1. 总公司营业执照副本原件
Original copy of parent company’s business license (copy)
2. 总公司批准证书复印件两份
Copy of certification of approval
3. 总公司当地外经委同意在外地设立分公司的同意函 原件(根据总公司的经营范围确定该材料是否提供)
An approval file issued by foreign economic government which agrees parent company open branch office
4. 总公司税务登记证复印件
Copy of parent company’s tax registration (Internal revenue, local tax)
5. 总公司组织机构代码证正本复印件
Copy of parent company’s organization code (original)
6. 总公司章程
Regulations of parent company
7. 股东会决议(所有股东签字)
Shareholder meeting resolution (subscribed by all shareholders)
8. 上海负责人任命书
Appointment of Shanghai principal
9. 上海负责人身份证原件及照片2寸3张
Original of Shanghai principal’s ID card, 3 photos
10. 上海负责人工作简历
Resume of Shanghai principle
11. 上海分公司办公场所的租赁合同原件2份,以总公司名义签一份,分公司名义签一份
2 originals of Shanghai office’s lease, described by parent company and sub-company sealed
12. 上海分公司办公场所的房产证复印件
Copy of Shanghai office’s title deed
13. 确定上海分公司经营范围
Business scope of Shanghai company
14. 委托本公司代理办理的委托书
Agent agreement with us
All the materials above should be prepared for double piece, all the copies should be sealed by parent company on every pages, they will be submitted to industry & commerce department and revenue.
The brief process:
1. 上报工商局查名 5个工作日
Checking company name 5 working days
2. 办理外经委批复 22个工作日 (根据总公司的经营范围确定是否需要该环节)
getting the approval documents issued by shanghai foreign economic bureau 22working days
3. 办理营业执照及刻章 7个工作日
Handling business license and making badges 7 working days
4. 办理组织机构代码证 2个工作日
Handling organization code certificate 2 working days
5. 办理税务登记证 30个工作日
Handling tax registration 30 working days
The articles that client will get eventually:
Original of business license
2、组织机构代码证 正副本
Original and copy of organization code certificate
3、税务登记证 正副本
Original and copy of tax registration
One common seal
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